Leading Trauma Freedom Coach, Mirella del Mondo, presents..




So you can...

Dial into your Self Worth and develop a deep level trust and belief in yourself, taking your relationship to yourself and others to a whole new level you never thought possible.

This 8-week Program was inspired by my own journey and that of many women I have worked with, from different walks of life, who felt they were not enough, chronically disappointed and stunted by their low self-esteem (perceived sense of worth)?

 This spilled over onto the their body image, feeling unmet in their relationships and how their professional pursuits played out.. as well as in other key areas of their life that felt unfulfilling.

 So, are you ready to be Seen, Self-expressed & Valued and want to have fun putting your Unapologetic Self to the test?

Achieving that level of self-confidence can feel so unrealistic, especially with the expectations others have of you, crappy role models and the pressure you actually put on yourself.

 You’re totally done wasting time and energy in your relationships where you are feeling unmet by others.

In fact, you’re not alone if you’ve ever felt like...

πŸ‘‰ You’re spending hours on trying to prove your worth to yourself or others, but the needle just isn’t moving.

πŸ‘‰ You’ve tried everything under the sun from self-help books and meditation to women’s groups and workshops, but you’re still feeling that who you are is never enough!

πŸ‘‰ You’re ready to throw in the towel. You’re done wasting time and energy on your relationships and feeling unseen and unmet by others.


How do I know? I can 100% relate to where you're at..

Here are some heart-breaking facts:

πŸ’” 75% of women suffer from ‘Imposter Syndrome’ (Yes, even the outwardly confident ones!) and feel undeserving of success.

πŸ’” 85% of women opt out of social activities or won’t pursue great opportunities because they don’t feel good about themselves.

πŸ’” Divorce rates are rising, the majority initiated by women who feel over-burdened with unrealistic expectations in their relationships.

The saddest part is that research shows that a woman’s confidence can actually decline with experience.

Do you want to stop questioning yourself and finally rise above self-doubt?
Then it's time to STOP and do something about it!


Here's what this program 
will provide for you..

  • Powerful tools to overcome the need to prove yourself so you can genuinely love and accept and yourself. 

  • Creating a new narrative and an empowered identity as a woman who absolutely knows her worth.

  • Freeing up stuck emotions and being able to soothe yourself, so that you can feel empowered, even when triggered and being in the midst of challenging times.

  • Owning your voice, so that you will develop healthy boundaries that protect and respect your sovereignty.

  • Sealing areas where you previously leaked energy and gave your power away to others, so you are energetically resilient to others who tend to drain you, prey on you or just bring you down.

  • Wonderful rituals and movement practices to help you reconnect with lost pieces of yourself and strengthen your inner resources to show up in the world as the Wildly Worthy Woman you are.


Imagine finally being able to:


πŸ‘‰ Show up for yourself as your own ally and best friend

πŸ‘‰ Dial into your self-worth and start seeing different results in your relationships

πŸ‘‰ Communicate confidently and feel empowered in challenging situations.

With WILDLY WORTHY WOMAN you’re getting:

βœ… 8 Comprehensive Modules with video and audio tutorials that are broken down so that you can learn effectively without going into overwhelm 

βœ… Guided audio practices and written exercises to help you integrate the learnings on an experiential level 

βœ… Workbooks, worksheets & additional resources to help you lock in your learnings 

βœ… Full years access with monthly group coaching calls 


Your Course Curriculum...


MODULE 1: Unlocking the Power of the Mind so that it is in alignment with what truly empowers your transformation.

MODULE 2: Emotional Empowerment to cultivate a healthy relationship with your emotions, so that you can find your balance amid life’s challenges.

MODULE 3: The Power of Self Love to heal patterns of self betrayal, so that you experience a sense of true belonging.

MODULE 4: Cultivating Energetic Power to identify the areas in your life where you give away your power, so that you can replenish your energy stores and tap into them.

MODULE 5: Creating Healthy Boundaries to heal disempowering relationship dynamics, so that you can communicate your needs and desires in a way that commands respect and reflects your self-worth.

MODULE 6: Embodying your Sexual Sovereignty to heal guilt and shame, so you can own your unique flavour and feel safe to unapologetically shine.

MODULE 7Healing your Money Karma by clearing out fears and old money stories; doing energetic practices and practical action steps to shift from surviving to thriving.
MODULE 8: Embodying your Worth by elevating your energy, through potent practices and empowering actions, while savouring each milestone on the journey of living as a Wildly Worthy Woman.


Here’s a peek at what my clients have experienced

This Program is for you if..


πŸ’ƒπŸΌ You are done with playing small and holding yourself back
πŸ’ƒπŸΌ You are willing to drop the stress of 'being perfect' and instead be true to yourself
πŸ’ƒπŸΌ You want to release old beliefs that bring you down and create new ones that empower you
πŸ’ƒπŸΌ You know its time to stop swallowing your truth, so that you can have healthier relationships

πŸ’ƒπŸΌ You yearn to be seen and valued as a juicy woman in her feminine power 

πŸ’ƒπŸΌ You're READY to ditch the doubting, comparing and people-pleasing... and are prepared to step out of your comfort zone to do the healing work to bring you back to your true essence

πŸ”» SIGN ME UP! πŸ”»

With WILDLY WORTHY WOMAN you’re getting:


βœ… 8 Comprehensive Modules with video tutorials 

βœ… Audio meditations and guided practices so you integrate the learnings on an experiential level 

βœ… Workbooks, worksheets & additional resources 

βœ… Monthly group coaching calls for spot coaching and Q & A time 

βœ… Actionable tools and practices to lock in the learnings

βœ… BONUS lectures with guest speakers and leading experts

βœ… Private Facebook group 


Cost : $1500

Start NOW @$444

Choose Your Payment Option

Single Payment $999
Payment Plan 1: 2 X $555
Payment Plan 2: 3 X $444

10% of Proceeds will be donated to the 'Girl Power Project' in Uganda,Β helping girls stay in school, avoid pregnancy, disease & violence.

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